In the nation, there are 3 online PhD in writing colleges and universities. A median tuition of $4,047 yearly is charged by these colleges and universities. The median tuition has increased, in recent years, by 83%. The per annum median tuition was $2,211 at these online colleges and universities in 2007.
A yearly tuition of about $6,076 is charged by the costliest online doctorate degree program in writing college. The cheapest school however, charges students an annual tuition costs of $3,347.
In 2011, these lowest cost programs at UCF graduated approximately 63% of writing graduates with doctoral programs from online colleges and universities in the country. Therefore, of the 87,153 graduates from across the country, 54,714 are from the most inexpensive colleges. Between 2007 and 2011, the percentage of writing graduates with doctorate degree programs from the lowest cost programs at UCF has decreased, while the number of graduates has increased by 5,334 graduates yearly.
A reported 17%, or 14,858 of the nation’s writing doctorate level graduates, earned their degrees and certificates from these low tuition online programs at Utah State University in 2011. Therefore, the number of students graduating from these affordable online programs at USU has increased by 100%.
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