In the nation, there are 2 online associates degree in Christian education colleges and universities. An average yearly tuition of $14,021 is charged by these colleges. The average tuition has increased in recent years. This change in tuition was approximately 16.4%. In 2007, the yearly average tuition was $12,050 at these online colleges.
Tuition of a reported $16,792 annually is charged by the most expensive online associates degree in Christian education school. The cheapest college on the other hand, requires students to pay an annual tuition costs of $11,250.
- Associate of Arts in Christian Education
- Associate of Arts in Religion
Of all Christian education graduates with associates degrees from online colleges across the US, a reported 2% graduated from these least expensive programs at TTU in 2011. This represents 530 of the 32,935 graduates from across the country. Between 2006 and 2011, the number of Christian education graduates with associates degrees from the least expensive programs at TTU has increased by 28 graduates annually, while the percentage of graduates from these colleges and universities has decreased.
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