Only 2 online associates degree in construction management schools exist in the country. These online associates degree in construction management colleges can also be referred to as construction colleges. A median yearly tuition of $4,060 is charged by these colleges and universities. There has been a 7.9% increase in the median tuition over the past few years. The yearly median tuition was $3,763 at these online colleges in 2007.
Tuition of about $4,528 annually is charged by the most expensive school with online associates degree in construction management programs. The cheapest school however, has a tuition of $3,592 per annum.
- Associate of Applied Arts in Construction Management
- Associate of Arts and Science in Construction Management
- Associate of Arts in Construction Management
- Associate of Arts and Science in Construction Management Technology
In 2011, roughly 32% of construction management graduates with associates degrees from online colleges across the US earned credentials from these least costly programs at NDSCS. This represents 1,900 of the 5,993 graduates from across the country. Between 2006 and 2011, the number of construction management graduates with associates degrees from the least expensive programs at NDSCS has increased by 152 graduates per year, while the percentage of graduates from these schools has decreased.
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