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The median tuition charged by colleges and universities across the nation that offer online PhD in psychology programs is $11,516 yearly. The median tuition has increased by 41.3% in recent years. The annual median tuition at these online schools in 2007 was $8,148.
The range of tuition at colleges offering online psychology programs at the doctoral level is shown in the following chart. Tuition is shown from the most to least expensive colleges and universities.
Tuition Level | Number of Schools |
Cheapest | 8 |
Low cost | 8 |
Average cost | 8 |
Most expensive | 16 |
Tuition of more than $19,200 per annum is charged by the most expensive online PhD in psychology colleges. On the other hand, the cheapest colleges have yearly tuition costs ranging from $3,763 to $5,406. Colorado, New York, Oklahoma, Utah, and Virginia are home to the lowest cost accredited online psychology PhD schools.
- Doctor of Psychology in Leadership Psychology
- PhD in Industrial Organizational Psychology
- PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- PhD in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology
- Doctor of Psychology in Leadership Psychology – Public Sector
- Doctor of Psychology in Leadership Psychology – Business
- Doctor of Psychology – Educational Leadership
- Doctor of Psychology – Criminology and Justice Studies
- PhD in Educational Psychology – Research and Evaluation
Of all psychology graduates with doctoral degree programs from online colleges across the country, approximately 19% graduated from these low tuition programs in 2011. This represents 129,559 of the 675,291 graduates in the nation. Between 2006 and 2011, the percentage of psychology graduates with doctoral degree programs from the lowest cost online colleges has decreased, while the number of graduates has increased by 14,563 graduates yearly.
Other somewhat more expensive cost online psychology doctorate program schools charge students tuition ranging from $5,652 to $7,900 yearly. Of the 40 online colleges and universities with doctorate programs in psychology programs in the nation, 8 offer programs with tuition in this range.
In 2011, 30.7%, or 207,588 of the country’s psychology doctoral level graduates received their certificates from these cheap online programs. In 2006, which was only 5 years earlier, only 150,238 students graduated from these colleges. This represents a 38% increase in the number of graduates from these affordable online schools.
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Everest University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
Walden University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
Post University | Online | Click for more info | Click for more info |
1. Old Dominion University | Norfolk, Virginia | $3,763 | $14,155 |
2. Utah State University | Logan, Utah | $4,047 | $13,031 |
3. Oklahoma State University | Stillwater, Oklahoma | $4,103 | $14,925 |
4. Graduate School and University Center | New York, New York | $4,600 | $9,960 |
5. University of Northern Colorado | Greeley, Colorado | $4,680 | $15,864 |
6. University of Nevada | Reno, Nevada | $5,063 | $18,353 |
7. Colorado State University | Fort Collins, Colorado | $5,256 | $21,366 |
8. West Virginia University | Morgantown, West Virginia | $5,406 | $17,002 |
9. University of North Dakota | Grand Forks, North Dakota | $5,652 | $15,091 |
10. Kansas State University | Manhattan, Kansas | $6,672 | $17,700 |
11. Auburn University | Auburn, Alabama | $7,008 | $21,024 |
12. Eastern Michigan University | Ypsilanti, Michigan | $7,148 | $21,053 |
13. University of Missouri | Columbia, Missouri | $7,368 | $19,383 |
14. Ball State University | Muncie, Indiana | $7,508 | $20,960 |
15. Arizona State University | Tempe, Arizona | $7,793 | $20,257 |
16. University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa, Alabama | $7,900 | $20,500 |
17. Washington State University | Pullman, Washington | $8,080 | $19,122 |
18. University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, Ohio | $8,493 | $23,016 |
19. University of Illinois | Champaign, Illinois | $10,386 | $24,528 |
20. Michigan State University | East Lansing, Michigan | $11,152 | $29,108 |