Some exciting news to share from The Life Skills Network. We’ve added two new members to the team! On behalf of the other members of the network, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Marc and Angel Hack Life, and Simple Mom. Both are extremely popular sites in their respective niches, and we are honored to have them on our team. Check out both sites and get signed up to receive their content – you will not be disappointed! Here’s an updated roster of the Life Skills Network team:
One other quick note for Frugal Dad readers. I’ve recently started writing over at, and I invite you to follow me there as well. Tip Dad will offer a more relaxed pace, and a lighter side of writing with stories about parenting, fatherhood, and general men’s issues. I hope you’ll join me.
The Roundup
Bible Money Matters shares some great tips for saving on the food budget as part of his summer savings series.
Simple Mom provided a list of simple gifts for an easy-to-please daddy. As an “easy-to-please” daddy I can tell you that some of the best gifts I’ve ever received were ones my kids made me. I think I’ll print this off some time today and conveniently leave it sitting around in a high-traffic area. Is that too subtle?
My Dollar Plan put together a helpful resource for those preparing to sell a car. The last time I sold a car I was lucky – it went in about two weeks, but times were different. It was a beautiful 2002 Chevy Silverado pickup truck, and was my pride and joy at the time. Unfortunately, it also had a big payment and added significantly to our car insurance. Watching it leave my driveway with a new owner forever cured me of car fever.
Marc and Angel shared a list of 50 things everyone should know how to do. I think I have about half the list covered, so I’ve got some work to do!
Get Rich Slowly reminds us of why it is important to ignore the daily financial news. With wild, 400-point swings in the market this is a very timely piece. Best way to “get rich slowly,” just keep your head down, tune out the “noise” and keep plowing money into solid investments.
The Wisdom Journal provided some great advice for avoiding gas thieves! I’ve always heard stories of people trying to siphon gas, and at $4.00 a gallon I guess the practice has become even more lucrative.
Moneying hosted the Festival of Frugality – always a great collection of frugal articles!
My Super-Charged Life offered up a wonderful list of 25 ways to enjoy an old-fashioned summer with the kids. Notice nearly ever item on the list is free, or very low cost. Who says you have to spend a ton of money to have fun!
*Don’t forget tomorrow’s Sunday Conversation. Get your questions in today!
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